Tears started welding in his eyes from laughter. "Vait, vat are- Hahahaha no Im ticklish zhere!" You started tickling him back for revenge. "Vat are you up to Liebe?" He said smiling. You lowered your hands down to his stomach region and looked up at Medic. All of a sudden a smile crept on your face from a sudden idea that popped in your mind. You hugged him back and ran your fingers in his soft jet black hair. You looked back and saw him with the cute puppy eyes again. You kissed his cheek and got up to go finish the cake, when Medic held on to your wrist. You looked into his icey blue eyes, and saw something in them. You both separated after a long moment from the need of air. You could taste the chocolate frosting in his mouth.

He licked your bottom lip, in which you finally became more comfortable with him, you granted his request. You two got lost in the moment and kissed with great passion and love. "Vell, technically Ich found you first." He said with a passionate smile. Medic ran out from behind the door and tackled you onto the bed. Right before she walked out the room, I quickly sprung out and lunged at her. "What? I just saw him go in here?" She slowly moved around the room trying to find me, but to no prevail. I sprinted to our room and hid behind the door. I turned my head to (y/n), and she looked back and saw me.

*crunch* I looked down and noticed I stepped on a pile of crumpled up paper.

I slowly crept out from behind the plant, and tip toed away to our room. "Oh Meeediiic? Where are you?" She said in a playful manner. I was hiding behind a potted plant that really didn't cover me so well. You quickly put down the metal spoon, and ran after Medic. You were left there, wheezing from the amount of laughter you gave out. Medic dipped two fingers in the bowl, and ran out the room. "No no please that tickles! Hahahaha!" You felt one of his hands slide off of you. Medic soon smiled and whispered in your ear "Liebe, have you ever been tickled before?" "I guess when I was a child.wait wh- HAHAHAHAH!" You laughed out loud. You giggled at his cute actions and shook your head with a big grin. "Pleeeease?" He started with the puppy eyes. "Be patient Medic, its not done yet." You said with a slight giggle. Medic tried to stick a finger in the bowl of the sugary paste, but you playfully wacked his hand away. "Im just making some frosting for the cake Im baking for you." You were making a chocolate frosting for the vanilla cake. "Hallo Mien Liebe, vhat are you making zhere?" He purred in your ear. You shivered with delight from the warm loving action. Your thoughts were inturupted by a pair of arms slithering around your waist and lips kissing the side of your neck. Sometimes you would wonder what that devious german doctor was up to. You were in the kitchen, baking a cake for when Medic came back from whatever he was doing. You started to get frustrated with yourself from your little self to self conflict.
Was it really love? Or did you just pity him? He was a serial killer after all. Sometimes when Medic isn't around, you would question yourself sometimes about the feelings you felt for Medic. You even liked living with someone that you care for, REALLY care for. You quickly got used to living with Medic. Just enjoy and find your favorite hd sexy girls and sex videos.It has been quite a long time since you were "kidnapped" from your home. At sexyporn you won't find shit from irrelevant porn sites just because we get paid to be listed like on others sxyprn video sites. No random shit porn videos, low quality leaked porn movies and other bullshit, on sexyporn only you can find real sex movies hd and xxxvideos.
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