The PostgreSQL Global Development group develops PostgreSQL.To maintain data integrity, one can effectively utilize snapshots and transactions. This improves the performance of the database and provides flexibility and power to document data models. In MongoDB, documents bring together related data and support multi-document transactions, which helps connect the source database to ACID guarantees of a relational database. MongoDB is mainly built on distributed system architecture.Other features include load balancing, file storage, aggregation, server-side javascript, etc. It helps to create the second part of primary data if the primary fails, then the replica set automatically checks and makes secondary to primary. Developers can create a copy of data in MongoDB using replica sets. The other feature is indexing, which allows the index of the fields in the document. MongoDB follows mainly the document data model, which helps developers to connect with the application code directly. MongoDB has features like its support fields, range queries, etc.

#Mongodb and postgresql update#
Making changes in a document, such as adding or deleting a field, will update only that specific document in MongoDB’s collection without affecting any other document. In MongoDB, developers use the term “collection” to refer to a cluster of documents. In MongoDB, documents have their structure, and fields can vary from one document to another. The first release of MongoDB was in the year 2009. In MongoDB, developers typically store data as documents and represent it in a binary form called binary JSON.

Hadoop, Data Science, Statistics & others MongoDB